I haven't written in a while. I haven't felt like I had anything important to say.
Now, I do.
How dare Ralph Reed think he can criticize my family.
In case you are not familiar, Ralph Reed is a small minded, well funded (and coiffed), bigot with a big mouth here in the U.S. who loves to be on T.V....
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
This is Where I Live

Utah is going to be in the news for the next few days.
No, it isn't because the Sundance film festival is starting, or because we have another Nobel prize winning scientist among us. It isn't even because the Mormon church is making headlines. It's because some idiot decided to go into a store like...
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
The Mighty Pen(manship)
I have horrible handwriting. My husband describes it as "serial killer-esque, if the serial killer was always in a hurry."
Wait, that probably doesn't give you the full effect.
That's better. See what I mean? It is not good handwriting. It's the reason I try to type almost everything. Of course,...
Monday, January 7, 2013
I Miss Santa
Before I had a kid I used to say things like "I don't think we'll perpetuate the Santa Claus myth," and "I don't see why I should have to bribe my child to behave well with some imaginary specter."
God, I was an asshole.
As the mother of a 3-year old who has just come through the holiday season I am hear to sing loud and proud: Santa Claus is the greatest invention ever. Better than...
Sunday, October 28, 2012
That's Not Entertainment

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel should be ashamed of themselves.
Apparently, at their wedding, a friend gifted them with an "inside joke" video of homeless and transgender people wishing them well, under the guise of being "friends" who "couldn't make it"to the couple's lavish nuptials. Timberlake...
Written Sunday, October 28, 2012 by Logical Libby
Bullying, Honey Boo Boo, Jessica Biel, Justin Timberlake, Tacky, Television, Trump 16 commentsTuesday, October 16, 2012
I really wish Joe Biden would stop emailing me.
Not just him, either. I'm tired of getting emails from Barack. And Michelle. And Bill Clinton. And even -- no, I can't believe I am saying this -- Beyonce. I want them all to stop with the emails.
First of all, they really shouldn't be concerned about my vote. If I could have "bleeding heart liberal" tattooed somewhere on my person without...
Written Tuesday, October 16, 2012 by Logical Libby
Email, Mitt Romney, Money, Politics, President Obama 10 commentsTuesday, October 9, 2012
Ch-ch-ch-changes. Or not.
This weekend I slapped on a pair of Spanx, slathered on some BB cream, tried to remember how to use a curling iron, and headed off for my 20th high school reunion.
Yes, I graduated high school when I was 8. No, wait, actually, I was 6.
I know what you are thinking.Yep, my hair was that...
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Lessons With Libby
There are so many things I like about Meg starting school. Watching her run, not walk to her classroom every day. Hearing her talk about her school friends and how none of them like to share. Watching her become more confident, and more compassionate with every day that she is in class. Realizing that maybe we haven't done a half bad job raising her.
Yep, all of those things are really great.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Bad Kitty

As the mother of a toddler I have seen my share of bad or insipid television. I have also seen your share, and your uncle's share, and your cousin's, sister's landlord's share.* For the most part though, I have kept my thoughts about the shows to myself (and Twitter) and reminded myself that they are...
Written Sunday, September 23, 2012 by Logical Libby
7 commentsSunday, September 16, 2012
An Open Letter to the Person Who Hacked My Pinterest Account
Dear Idiot,
Yes, I feel that we are close enough that I can call you Idiot. After all, I don't know your real name, and you feel we are close enough to share a Pinterest account. That's right, I know you hacked it.
Now, I am guessing you are new to hacking. Why am I guessing that? First and foremost, because you hacked a PINTEREST account. Is this your first time on the web? Has no one explained...
Written Sunday, September 16, 2012 by Logical Libby
Hackers, Internet, Me, Pinterest, Stupid People 7 commentsSunday, September 9, 2012
Cup O' Trouble

Over the years I have been, for the most part, lucky enough to work in close proximity to people who don't make me want to poke out my own eyes. The women, and men, I have had to share space with have had few bad qualities and have somehow not found my bad qualities that objectionable. Either that or...
Monday, September 3, 2012
5 Things I learned while celebrating my 39th Birthday on Catalina Island
I am letting Tara guest post today because: 1. It was her birthday and I didn't get her anything. I am hoping I can convince her this is her "gift." 2. She posted this on Facebook and it really is too funny not to share, even though admitting she may be as funny, if not funnier, as I am makes my blood boil with rage.
5 Things I learned while celebrating my 39th Birthday on Catalina
Written Monday, September 03, 2012 by Logical Libby
Funny, Guest Post, Lists of Five, Tara 2 commentsMonday, August 27, 2012
Office Politics
I work for a company that can only be called "conservative." Many people have called it many other things, but for our purposes, let's just leave it at "conservative." If you have ever read my blog, or my Twitter feed, or been within a 50 mile radius of me (even if I am just flying in a plane over your general area) you know that I am anything BUT conservative. I am a Godless, commie, bleeding...
Written Monday, August 27, 2012 by Logical Libby
Calling Names, Liberals, Me, Politics, Work 13 commentsTuesday, August 21, 2012
Pack Rat
What a difference a month makes!
Meg is growing up so fast. She starts school in two weeks. Her vocabulary is exploding. She sleeps in her own "big girl" bed. Potty training is done. Her tastes are turning from Disney Princesses (disturbing) to Alvin and the Chipmunks (annoying).
Oh, and she is turning into Navin R. Johnson.
You know, the Steve Martin character from '"The Jerk."
I'm not saying...
Written Tuesday, August 21, 2012 by Logical Libby
Crazy, Family, Grandparents, Meg, Ryan, Steve Martin, Travel 7 commentsWednesday, July 25, 2012
Cemetery Visit
I love cemeteries. It's strange since the very thought of my death, or the death of anyone close to me, or death in general, can send me spiraling into a panic attack. Strangely enough though, whenever I am in a cemetery I don't really think about death. I don't even think about Morrissey. I just enjoy...
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