To this:
My baby is now a kidlet. A funny, opinionated, mobile, smart, tricky kidlet. No, she isn't walking yet (though she tries to get down from my arms like she is about to run a marathon), and she still can't do the Sunday Times crossword puzzle. However, she is into everything, especially those things she shouldn't be. Of course, when she gets caught she is willing to admit her mistake, shaking her head and saying "no, no, no." It's so cute we almost want her to do something she shouldn't so that we can see her do it.
Meg now eats EVERYTHING. She loves fruit with a zest usually reserved for middle aged women in juicer commercials. Tonight she was eating a bison burger and looked up to say "yummmmm." Avocados do not last long in our house because of her, and very little goes to the dog. She even eats spinach. I'm sure that later she will get preferences, but right now everything tastes good to her, and she is savoring every bite.
Changing her diaper, or putting clothes on her is now an ordeal. She is happiest when she is naked, and will fight with all her might to stay that way. It has gotten to the point that I gather numerous things to keep Meg interested before I even try to change her diaper, and always pick outfits that can put one in less than three seconds. She wears a lot of "bag" type outfits. If only they made them in my size too...
For her birthday we are taking Meg to the zoo. Then we are letting her smash her fist into a cake. I'm not sure if we are getting a stripper, but Ryan said he had a surprise for her. Whatever we end up doing though, I know every moment will be spent marveling at our girl, and the blessings she has brought to our lives.
Oh, how we love her.
Kidlet! Cute word. My little sister, who is 9, is constantly stripping off her clothes and then saying, "I don't want anyone to see me naked!" Too late.
Yay! So great to hear she's loving fruits and veggies so much! Avocados *are* delicious. I can't blame her.
I hope you get some good pics of the cake and zoo. After that alligator the other day, I bet she'll find lots of new things to be excited about at the zoo!
Aw, congrats to all! I can't believe she's a year. It sounds like she will be the stripper at her own party, which is really nice of her to save you the trouble of hiring one.
Enjoy every second. I know you do.
Funny, I'm happiest when I'm naked too. However, most everyone else is grossed out by my nudity so I am forced to remain clothed.
I wonder if the dog is going to revolt due to the lack of scraps. But wait... buffalo? Really? Hm.
(Making a mental note to try some-finally-at the Tatanka Cafe)
Congrats and Happy Birthday!
Make sure you party until the house is covered with cake. :D
Happy Birthday Meg! Cake smashing is so much fun, can't wait to see the pictures!
I bet Ryan bought her THAT alligator!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday to my Meg!!!!!! I heart her for SO many reasons, just ONE of them is that she loves being naked!
Have fun at the zoo and eat some cake for me! And give a lil' hug from Auntie Jules!!!
Oh my goodness, happy birthday Meg! Have a great time at the zoo and don't wrangle any real alligators :-)
Happy Birthdasy to Meg. I love reading your blog; brings a smile to my face.
I've never had a stripper at my birthday party. That should be rectified. STAT.
Happy birthday to Meg!! I'm sure she'll have fun with all the "dogs" at the Zoo.
awww happy birthday Meg!
happy birthday meg! i am so sad we haven't met in person yet. maybe next time i visit slc you can fit me into your busy schedule of getting naked and eating fruit--both favorite pastimes of mine as well.
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!! Thank you for the joy you have brought into the lives of everyone in your family.
Happy Birthday to the most adorable female-type kidlet ever! My boys ate everything when they were little and they still do - it's a credit to you that you let her try everything. And I don't see anything wrong with getting a stripper, afterall, the first party is really for the parents.
Oh my goodness, she's just beautiful. Now that my E is 4, it was lovely to have that flashback to what 1 was like, thanks! Happy day to Meg.
P.S. - so jealous. My girl won't eat anything green or non-crunchy. Except bread and waffles.
Happy Birthday Meg!! She is a sweet baby cutie pie. I wanna pinch her little cheeks every time I see a pic.
Happy birthday! I am sure the zoo will be a lot of fun and the day will be a blast, with or without the stripper.
naked cake smashing eliminates that middle man known as the washing machine...have a great day!
Happy Birthday Meg!
I love this age. They still think you are awesome and get that big glittery look in their eyes when you show up even if you've been run over by a truck or forgot to brush your teeth for a whole week.
bwahahahaha....that second photo made me LOL. :P
Happy Birthday, Meg!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll admit I am extra emotional today, but this post made me cry.
I remember reading your tweets from the hospital when she was born.
Congratulations on your baby turning one.
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