Friday, January 1, 2010

Good Ideas for 2010

I think we can all concur that New Year's resolutions are bullshit. Losing weight, exercising more, stopping drinking, going organic, not shooting heroin between our toes, it all is just so impossible and depressing. I mean, I don't have a problem with setting goals, I just have a problem with the definitiveness of it. I mean, can't we just want to make changes without laying out finish lines? Or even just investigate things we would like to try? I think that's the best I idea, and so, I give you the five things I will be considering in 2010.

1. POSITIVITY I no longer have to fear getting soft, because Meg has already done that for me. Really, I never go to the park just to punch ducks, and I don't miss it at all. So, I am thinking of taking it to the next step. I am going to investigate possibly, maybe, actively being positive and happy. It's going to be weird. After all, suffering from depression I have gotten used feeling best when I am at my lowest. I mean, I know it can't get worse. This year though, I am going to try and reach for the heights, and feel my best. There is a website -- -- that claims to help, but I think I would be happier keeping the five dollar monthly fee.

2. STICKING IT TO THE MAN I think all of us are pretty pissed at the big banks after the bailouts of the past year, and would love to feel like we are no longer their bitch. Oh, and I have my own personal reasons too. So, this year I am going not just consider, but actually start changing my bank accounts over from one of the giants, to a local bank. I know it will not happen all at once, because I have multiple instant withdrawals I need to figure out so I don't have to endure even more fees. I hope by mid-March though I should be able to say good-bye, and man it will feel good. This is the only definitive thing I want to do.

3. CARING LESS ABOUT AGING 2009 is the first year I have really noticed changes in my face. My eyelids aren't as pert as they used to be. I feel like I have a little sagging around my jaw. I see brown spots where there weren't brown spots before. Oh, and I still have zits. Over the past months I have tried countless creams and potions, spending way too much money on products that are all pretty much the same. I think the answer my be to moisturize, use sunscreen, and learn to like the changes. Or if not like, not let them drive me crazy.

4. NOT SPENDING MONEY I would like to be financially solvent by the time I am 40. In my mind that means no credit card debt, a savings account, and a college fund for Meg. I have already made changes to help me achieve that goal, but I am always looking for new ideas. I can't remember which blogger came up with this (if it was you, let me know), but there is someone trying to not spend any money during January. No, they aren't becoming freegans, they are just cutting out the "gimmes." You know, like a spending detox. I know how I have done with other types of detoxing, but maybe I could just cut back, and you know, not buy anything green.

5. CIVILITY Every year people ask me if I am going to try and be nicer. Every year I flip them off. This year though, I am thinking about it, mainly because it seems like everyone has gotten nastier, and I am no longer special. So, I am thinking of taking the civility pledge. Maybe if I do it Sean Hannity will too. Of course, my taking it wouldn't mean the end of my career.

Oh, and in 2010 I might consider not writing extremely long pontificating blog posts, and instead stick with rants about Tiger Woods' penis...

HAPPY 2010!


Kim said...

Mainstreaming this year, eh? Yeah, good luck with that. I predict 12 minutes into the Today show you'll be calling someone a stupid cunt. I just hope this time it's not a 9 year-old kid showing off her 3rd grade science project.

Heather said...

#2 and #4 are closely related and seem like maybe there's a way they can be connected? Like to only spend money if the money came from an account with a local credit union for blind orphans or something? I'm just trying to help, as I have no resolutions except to eat more prunes this year. I'm getting old.

erin said...

Excellent ideas Libby. I'm not going to try to do any of that karmic bullshit. I just want to lose the last 20 pounds. I just want to be hot again. That's all. Oh and I wish I didn't have this skin tag on my bra line. Jeremiah keeps telling me he'll 'cut it off'...

Anonymous said...

I think you should write a letter to Sean. I will, however, stick to NOT being civil in case your civility doesn't work out. Deal?

Shannon said...

I'm with you... resolutions are bull shit, but real goals are a must! Good luck with your non-resolutions! :)

Aunt Juicebox said...

Man, I really was NOT planning to stop shooting heroin this year...I can only lose weight or stop doing drugs, not BOTH at once. Maybe next year...

Tracie said...

I don't think I can stop caring about ageing. Not until my subscription to EnStyle expires.

Happy New Year! I hope your 2010 is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!