When Meg was born I bought a notebook, thinking I would write a note to her every day. I wrote the last one on July 13th. I am finding that being with a baby leaves very little time to think about and analyze the experience. I have a pile of items sitting on top of her baby book, but I haven't found the time to put them in. The big video camera still has not been used, because in the moment we have just been using our little cameras, or phones. For someone who makes her living reporting news, I am not doing the best job documenting the biggest event of my life. Hell, it's hard enough to blog something other than cute pictures and the words "wook at dat wittle baybee."
Okay, so here is what I know about our baby after a month... Meg is now at least two pounds and two inches bigger than she was at birth. She has gotten better at eating, and now will suck down a full four ounce bottle in one feeding, rather than taking four one ounce feedings. She is still a champion sleeper, and usually goes between three and five hours before waking at night. When she is up though, she wants to be UP. She wants to look around, and sing songs, and play with her hands and anything else near her face.
She is still pretty serious, staring more intently than wonderingly at things. My Mom says it is too early to tell anything about her personality, but I think she's more of a thoughtful rather than playful girl. The only time I really see her playful side is when my Dad is holding her. Her face softens, and her eyes lock on to his face. He claims he even got a smile once, though my Mom assures him that was just gas, because Meg's first smile is most certainly for her.
I don't really care if Meg's first smile is aimed at me. I think there will be plenty of smiles for everyone. I am sure that there will be plenty of words, and actions, and steps, and moments as well. I am excited to be there for all of them. I am not wishing for time to move any faster though, because it is already going fast enough.
A month. Damn. I should at least figure out where I put her umbilical stump. Just kidding, I know exatctly where it is. I mean, unless Sally ate it...
She is getting cuter every day.
She's so beautiful! And don't worry about the baby book thing. When I was a teenager I found mine, mostly empty, and thought what a horrible mom I had. Now I have Lora's, mostly empty, STILL with stuff ready to go into it, even though I promised myself I would be a GOOD mom.
The point? The memories won't go anywhere, you'll always have them. You can write them down later. Plus, what if you miss that first smile because you're gluing stuff in a book?
Hey, I am Dad's favorite. If that interloper tries to invade on my turf, there will be a rumble.
Should I go ahead and send you your first scrapbook? Kidding, she is adorable-- love those cheeks!
What, no fat rolls?! She must be stretching out real fast too. She's sure a beauty. :)
She has gotten so cute! Look at how much more hair she has now! I absolutely love seeing pictures of her!!!! So feel free to keep posting them!
One beautiful month down with your little sweetums.
I felt so bad about my unfinished baby books but I'm glad to see others are in the same boat as me.
She is divine!
She is SO cute. And you know what? She's gonna' get even cuter.
BAH! I didn't have a baby book. It was more of a tupperware bin that I just threw stuff into. Maybe I should glue some macaroni and stickers to it to make it look fancier. Oh yeah. I am classy.
Surprisingly enough, it makes sense when I look through the box - even without notes.
I've heard they graduate before you know it, too. Damn kids grow up fast.
Holy crap, how has it already been a month?!?! She is so adorable, I can't stand it!
Look at all that hair! Love it :-)
Only 1 month old, and already your gorgeous bundle of joy is throwing gang signs. She is absolutely well-taken care of, and is surrounded by people who love her. Keep up the good work, and never stress about the baby books. Congratulations again!
I want to email your mom.... Can you send me her email address? gretchen_wix@comcast.net..... Sorry comment readers to disrupt libby's comments! Thanks for your patience!
Thanks gretchen
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