Monday, February 2, 2009


You don't want to hear from me today. All day I have been swimming in a vat of self-pity, sprinkled with a heavy dose of easily agitated. I have felt bad about/annoyed by about by my hair, my body, my job, my co-workers, the cleanliness of my house, the inconsistent weather, the fact my hormones are making me sweat, and that I am pretty convinced that sweat smells like cheese. It got so bad this afternoon I tried to escape myself by taking a nap, but that just made me sweat more, increasing my stress level. So, then I lit a stress relief candle, but that just made things worse, mixing the cheese smell with eucalyptus. It was like an Australian deli.

The only thing that gave me even a slight chuckle was this video, and that's only because it didn't happen during my show. I can only imagine the hell the producer is getting, if he/she even still has a job...


Ms. Karlyn said...

When I started watching it, I couldn't figure out why such a horrible story would give you a chuckle, then.....I too laughed hard, out loud. Geez!

I hope you are feeling better soon. Is this something that happens monthly, or are you just having an 'off' day?

Cate said...

Oh, Lib. If it had happened on your show, it would have been the monkey washing the cat.
You don't smell like cheese. sauerkraut maybe, but not cheese.

Amanda said...

I can think of so many people for whom you could use that picture - how wonderful.

So the cheese smell was you, huh?

Ryan (LWM) said...

Haha, that video is priceless.

Emily-Ione said...

I dunno, I work with the hamster set and they could easily be the culprits behind the girl's abduction.