Wednesday, September 14, 2011

People Who Need People

So, this is where I normally would tell you where I have been lately besides here. I would pretend I had been in jail, or fighting for the Missoni line at Target and you would all laugh and hopefully click the links.

This week though, there are people who need your love more than I do.

First of all, Heather, previously of HeathertyFeatherty fame, and now, unbelievably, of Talking to Neil. It's a story I can't even begin to tell, and don't feel it is my right to, so hop over there and check it out. Also, Erin of Musings of a Madwoman and Tired and Stuck would probably appreciate some support too. Or maybe some vodka. Take your pick.

If you do want to find me, I am at Tired and Stuck talking about a doctor that blows, and at Sprocket Ink talking about a presidential candidate that does as well. Surprisingly, they are not the same person.

Oh, and as always, get back here tomorrow. I'm making cookies.


Little Girl::Big Glasses said...

Talking to Neil is the most beautiful thing I wish was never written. Thanks for sending Heather some love.

BugginWord said...

Oh my heart.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the links. My heart breaks for her.

Anonymous said...

I have been going back to Heather at Talking to Neil since you posted her blog on Twitter.

It's heartbreaking, and lovely all at the same time.

I hurt for her.