Meg is now like a Visa card, she is everywhere she wants to be, and some places we really wish she wouldn't go. She crawls up, and down, stairs. She stands on the changing table. She climbs anything and everything, including her parents, and when she reaches the top of her present Everest she keeps climbing as if a ladder from heaven is just out of her reach. She no longer likes to be held or cuddled, using both her palms and knees to push off and try to escape. The only time she is willingly babied is when she is hurt or tired, and those moments are becoming fewer and farther between, so we are treasuring them all.
Meg's verbal skills are becoming more and more impressive. She now speaks in full sentences, even if most of the time we are not sure what she is saying, or if she is, in fact, speaking Czech. There are a couple phrases that are very recognizable, like "what," and "thank you." We also knew exactly what meant when she said "oh, shit," and have spent the last week deciding who is to blame. I would just admit it was me, but I don't say "shit." I say "fuck." I think it was grandma.
It's strange coming back to such a big kid after spending a week with a newborn. For instance, Meg now looks like Jaws, even though she only has five teeth. She is putting them to good use though, eating everything and anything, and biting her cousin, Luke, when he doesn't do exactly what she wants him to do. I will eventually tell her that is not appropriate, after I stop finding it funny.
My favorite new thing that Meg does though, I mean, even more than the biting, is the kissing. Yesterday when she and Ryan came to wake me for my birthday she leaned in and gave me a smooch. It was the best birthday present I could have gotten.
Oh, how we love our girl.
Luke is quite disturbed that you are sharing his secret shame with "the whole world".
You know, much as I go on about not being a child person (and I really am not) there's the odd exception when I see an adorable little bundle of mischief like Meg. Just don't remind me I said it. :)
At least you'll be able to carry on a more intelligen conversation (for I find most toddlers at this age to be both a welcome sign of relief and great practice) than you usually do with your co-workers.
I am glad you can make light of the "push away" stage. I can still remember how sad it made me feel going from most needed person in the children's lives to "can do" stage.
I love those sweet little open mouth, gonna eat your face off, baby kisses...I miss them.
Congrats. Now picture meeting her at 13 months.
Tiring thought, huh? :)
Ugh! I can't stand it. She's adorable. And she cusses too? It's all perfection.
I loved that stage!
I LOVE that new pic of her up in the corner! I just ADORE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately I remember that stage far too well!!! And mine are so much older.
Please pardon the intrusion but I could find no other way to reach you aside from, perhaps, tweeting and this seemed better somehow. I caught Logical Libby through Permanent Press via Twitter and was intrigued to learn more because "Libby Logic" has always played a major role in my world, too. And then when I clicked on your blog, I was even more surprised to find you use exactly the same template I use for a series of tumblr blogs under the missquotable moniker. And it's not as if we've chosen the most common template in the world and it's blogger vs. tumblr. Anyway, just to say "hi" to a kindred spirit. I thought the similarities interesting. Wishing you peace on your journey. Libby
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