I have never much cared for birthdays. There is just too much pressure. It's like New Year's Eve, but you're the only one supposed to be enjoying it. If anyone else doesn't have a good time it doesn't matter, because it isn't their birthday. However, if you aren't happy, you've wasted your chance for a whole year. What kind of bogus present is that?
Also, I can never think of anything I want for my birthday. It isn't that I don't want things, I'm as materialistic and selfish as the next guy, it's just that I can never think of any of the things that I want when people ask me what I want for my birthday. I become Ralphie from "A Christmas Story"stuttering out "football" on Santa's lap. Except I ask for picture frames, and then I can't crawl back up the damn slide to say what I really want.
Really though, the best present in my life is my life. My daughter, who burst into tears when I returned from LA last night, and my husband who comforted her and took care of her while I was gone. My family who helped him, and managed to find a perfect patio set for me, and set it up, to boot. Tara, who really tried to have her baby on my birthday, but just couldn't keep her from coming; and who gave me something wonderful, that shows she really knows me, to celebrate year 36:
Really, how can it get better than that? It can't. So, in lieu of gifts this year, I am asking people to donate to Helpusadopt.org. It is a great organization that gives grants to couples wanting to adopt, but who can't afford it. Giving money to them is better than any fancy picture frame. So, if any of want to say "happy birthday" to me, please do so by giving money to them.
See, I never would have asked for such a thing at 20. Maybe by 50 I will just be freakin' awesome.
Happy day, foxy. Celebrate well.
That is so awesome! Happy birthday, if possible. My dad says it's the one day you should act as selfish as everyone else does every day of the year!m
Happy Birthday! I'm so thankful we've become friends that I could scream! In fact, I will scream! Right Now.
Hold on.
Ok. Happy Birthday, my friend!!!!
I love it!
Happy Birthday!
I should be fit for public consumption after I've marinated in the socially acceptable juices for about 7-8 more years. Yeah, I should be nice by then.
Have a happy birthday
I want that plate.
I love Meg's new picture on the sidebar thingie. So cute!
Oh, and Happy Birthday. 36, has been pretty good to me so far, hopefully it will be good to you as well...
Got sidetracked by baby cuteness, for a moment.
Happy Day! I have a hard time too with the pressure, so I celebrate for a month. :) Love the idea of the donation, well done you. I hope the coming year is a wonderful one filled with peace, love and joy.
Happy birthday ladeh!
I think we'll all be fabulous at 50. We're the generation of Effin' Awesome!
I want a set of those plates for the approaching holidays!
Happy birthday!
You seem freakin' awesome already. You jerk. ;)
Happy Birthday. Glad you already have everything you want. Except that thing you asked for. Which is awesome.
Happy Birthday. Sounds like you are in a really good place!!
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