Time off totally rocks. I cannot even begin to express how much fun it is to lay in bed with Meg and just watch her grow. Really, I can see it happening. We wake up in the morning, and she has a bottle. Then I get her dressed and lay her on her activity mat while I take a shower. She LOVES that thing. This week she has started reaching for the toys, and talking to herself in the mirror. I am pretty sure that means she will be a Fulbright scholar.

I am absolutely amazed at how low key she is. Really, I think adopting saved us a lot of headaches. I know any child with my genes would not be this calm or thoughtful. Despite the lack of shared genes, I have no doubt this is my kid. The other day her Grandpa (my Dad) was telling her he is the funniest man she will ever meet. She responded by loudly filling her diaper. I think that made him love her even more.
My favorite time of the day right now is "tummy time." I have read that is is supposed to annoy babies into crawling, but Meg just sees it as a time to suck on her arms. She has also come to know it as her daily "photo shoot"
See how she poses? Really, she was made for the camera -- which is good since she is most likely the single most photographed baby in the world right now.
Oh, how I love her.
Written Monday, August 31, 2009 by Logical Libby
She is so beautiful.
I love her. I totally do.
I love her little baby lips. *melting*
The last photo is too cute. And she's growing like a weed!
I need to *bite* her. Is that bad?
She is so pretty! Reminds me of my Mea! Such beautiful big brown eyes!
I had a ladybug jumper activity thing permanently set up in the bathroom with all of my babies. It was the only way I could shower. The floor was always wet from me reaching out of the shower to pick up toys they had thrown or dropped!
I am not sure if this is possible, but she is getting cuter with each post!
I think you just caused me to ovulate.
She has certainly always been very bright eyed and alert from newborn. She looks very inquisitive.
Keep those pics coming - I love Meggo Time!
Meggo time is a much needed thing by all! I think you should send these pictures to the Middle East - who wouldn't want to make the world more peaceful for that darling!
She really does have a princessy look about her, the little vixen - and to poop at Pop? Priceless!
She is just too precious. And I know what you mean. It is so refreshing to have absolutely nothing else to do except hang out with your babe!
I'm glad there were lots of pictures in this post because I totally read the entire thing doing my Hammer dance from side to side... makes it a little hard to focus on the words.
She looks good enough to eat - what a doll. :)
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