Well, the acting out has begun.
At first it was barking. Sally has never been a particularly vocal dog, but since Meg came home she has been barking at everything. The mailman. The yappy dog next door. Any visitors. The cats. Ryan. If something moves, she now barks at it. We are working on shushing her, but so far that is not working.
Next, she started being a jerk on walks. Before this time, Sally was the best dog to take on walks ever. She would walk without a leash and stay with us, or, if she had to be on a leash, not strain or pull. Those days are over. Now, if she is off the leash, she is off the leash. That mans she runs ahead, and back, and into the street. I can't decide if she is trying to run away or just trying to end it all. Since her new behavior means she is on the leash a lot more, we have also noticed that when she doesn't want to walk, due to laziness or a delicious smelling patch of grass, she will practically pull her head off trying to get out of the collar. We may have to get a halter collar just so we can walk her without risking doggy asphyxia.
As bad as the barking and the walking are though, we figured we were getting off easy. After all, Sally's current bad behaviors were nothing compared to those of the past. Or so we thought. When we came home the other night we found this...
That is my Blackberry. Or at least what is left of it. Don't you love how she very carefully peeled off the protective skin to make sure she got to the electronics? I sure do. I also loved how she had hidden the pieces that had come off by stuffing them down between the couch cushions. How thoughtful. Believe it or not, everything on it still works. It's just not as pretty and has more sharp edges than it used to.
When I found my Blackberry I instantly assumed that more damaged had to have been wrought, and went straight to our bedroom where I had left out Meg's activity mat and several toys. None of them were touched. Not even the little bug that emits a squeaking noise that makes Sally salivate. And then I got it. Of course Sally isn't going to eat the baby's stuff, because her problem isn't with the baby. It's with us.
It was hard to be mad at her after that. I mean, I was, and I still am, but I understand. We have treated her like the baby, and now that we have a baby we are expecting her to roll over and play dog. That's not fair. I think we need to work on better family integration. For instance, last night we made sure to pay attention to Sally while Meg was with us, to show her she is not always in second place. It may sound silly, like we are crazy dog people, but it's important that every person and thing living here is comfortable. Otherwise they act out, and that makes everyone unhappy.
Also, we can't afford any more new phones.
Don't try and deny it, you are crazy dog people. Poor Sally, she really wanted your crocs, but you put those too high in the closet.
I've shed a tear for your Blackberry. Harm coming to any electronic gadget gives me the dry heaves.
That is a sad looking Blackberry. But I admire your commitment to making Sally happy - it's a tough life for dogs when a baby comes into the mix. Good work and I hope she stops eating your electronics!
I have lived this. When we brought home our first, our dog (the former baby) would wait for me to get home and then throw up on my feet, kill mice outside and bring them in and place them under the crib, and scratch all of her fur off until her skin bled.
Have you ever met Cesar Milan? ~wink~
Oh, this hits close to home! Our dog had to live with my parents for 3 months when we had our Bug. 15 months later and he is still adjusting to moving to 2nd place.
I'm shocked your Blackberry still works - at least Sally didn't try to off herself by swallowing the electronics. Otherwise, you might have had to answer the phone by pulling on her ear and putting your ear to her chest.
For the barking you can buy a spray collar that emits a quick spray of citronella smelling stuff everytime she barks. It doesn't hurt her but she won't like it and very quickly will stop barking. Worked like a charm for my dog.
Better the Blackberry than the baby.
I hate my cats now that I have kids. Hate them.
You are going about this the right way, soon Sally will love Meg, and quit punishing you. At some point she'll probably decide that she likes Meg better, that's what happened to us. Once she starts getting cookies, crackers, and fruit snacks dropped on the floor for her to vacuum up, she'll be in love!
at least she's not acting out on the baby. it'll take work, but i bet before long you'll have a happy pooch again.
i still refer to my dog as my 'special needs' child.
Did you think I died? It has taken me this long to find your damn comments. God I struggle.
Hi Libby,
Sorry about your phone.
Love, Sandi
Oh no! The poor phone. Rugged, though, if it still works after all that.
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