Meg's social life has EXPLODED this month! We have joined the local baby gym, where she enjoys the tumbling and singing almost as much as she loves kissing the other babies. She mostly kisses on the nose, but there is one boy who always gets a big smacker right on the lips. Really, it's like something off a cheesy sepia toned Hallmark card. Sometimes I feel like I should stop her, but right now I am just enjoying the fact that such acts are cute, and hoping they don't continue into her junior high years.
Of course, the kissing is a better alternative to Meg's other favorite thing right now -- biting. She now has eight teeth, and is anxious to sink them into anything, or anyone, around. Feeding her now involves prying the spoon from her jaw at least twice, and playing with her is punctuated by little love nips. We are trying to discourage her, but she thinks biting is really funny, and is egged on by her cousin Luke, whom she worships. Well, I guess she'll stop after the postman complains.
Meg is also learning how to turn on the waterworks. Last week Tara brought baby Wren to meet her family, and ours. Meg seemed very fond of her, staring at her in the bassinet and calling her "bebe en." She wasn't even jealous when Ryan or I held Wren. That was not the case with my Mom holding the baby though, and every time Wren was in my Mom's arms Meg's eyes would well up with huge crocodile tears as she cried for her "gamama." Really, Sally Field would have been proud.
I understand why she was upset though, since every other day the immediate universe revolves around her. And how could it not? Did you see that first picture? She is by far the brightest star in a number of galaxies.
Oh, how we love our girl.
She is an ADORABLE ham!!!!
What a beautiful girl, Libby. Maybe she'll start biting the boys instead of kissing them, although that can raise other issues!
Cuuuuuuute! Hope the biting stops soon, though.
what a gorgeous, gorgeous girl you've got there!
Tell Meg that Auntie Jules loves her and no baby will EVER steal that love away!
Too cute for her own good.
Hehe. I never cease to be amazed by her cuteness. Sally Field would so be proud. And jealous of her fashionable wardrobe.
Only a girl that adorable can pull off the cat ears. She wears them well. What a face!
I don't think I've ever seen such an edible little girl. She is delicious!
She is TO DIE FOR.
She is so damn cute! The kissing is good, the biting, not so. We had that with one of our daughters and it wasn't pleasant, but they do get the idea that it's not nice to get bitten after a while!
well done meg! ash is still not walking independently yet. he could do with some inspiration from meg. ;)
~ash's mum
Meg is so freaking adorable. Between seeing Meg's cuteness, taking Mack to college and taking Mea to preschool yesterday, I'm ready for another.
Your biting the postman comment made me actually laugh out loud.
What a cutie.
I love how she is on her tippy toes looking into the bassinet.
Is it weird that I'm all, "She's fourteen months already? She's grown so fast, our little Meg!" 'Cause that was my reaction to your post title.
That dimple? In the first pic? You better hope she grows out of the kissing thing because those boys are going to be chasing her! Ridiculously cute.
She is so cute. Oh my goodness.. makes me want one! And those cute little cat ears. Ohhh .... Im going to have to wish harder for grandchildern
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