Sunday, May 9, 2010

Ten Months

From this:
To this:
Yeah, I know. I doesn't look like the same kid. If I hadn't seen her every day for the past ten months I would think baby switching gnomes had some role in this. She has gone from potato to person, with very specific likes, dislikes, and talents. She has an ever expanding vocabulary, which includes her favorite saying "hey kitty." She eats almost everything, but she has to feed it to herself. If we put food into her mouth she spits it out, picks it up, and then eats it.

Ten months means Meg is now always in motion. There is no more time to "cuddle." Any attempt to do so will result in her twisting, throwing her head back, and pushing away with arms and legs. When we put her down she is off like a shot, crawling and investigating everything in her path. If I have missed something with the vacuum Meg will find it, and most likely put it in her mouth. If only dog hair was nutritious.

One thing that doesn't change as Meg gets older is her sweet spirit. She has such a sunny disposition, and finds delight in everything. She wakes up happy. She goes to sleep happy. Even when she is hungry, or tired, or mad because we are touching her nose, she is pleasant. Oh, and you should hear her laugh. There is no end of the things she finds funny. Sometimes she cracks herself up, and I will hear her just giggling in the backseat of the car, or in her high chair as we get her food ready. It is the best sound in the world.

Ten months ago today I became a Mom. I can't imagine anything better.

Oh, how I love our girl.


Unknown said...

That's so wonderful. She is such a little sweetie. Happy Mother's Day, Libby!

Cate said...

Oh how I love that little person. I love her even more since she said Cate.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

You're making me love her too. And the crusty old man inside me hates you for it. ;o)

She Said said...

Oh, Libby! What a precious daughter you have. What a love!


And I LOVE that you've crowned her the May Queen! If she were in Catholic school, this would be quite the honor, but for now, the nondenominational crown is enough :)

Riot Kitty said...

"Hey kitty" - that is fantastic! What a beautiful girl. She is lucky to have you as her mom.

Elizabeth said...

What a change indeed. I don't think I've seen cuter dimples, and I've seen a lot!

LL Cool Joe said...

I hope Mother's Day was as wonderful as your daughter!

Kelly said...

That picture is priceless! I love the grin on that girlies face! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Jeanne said...

My daughter hated to be snuggled too, this is the first other case I've heard of! She's precious, congratulations on 10 great months.

Anonymous said...

Yay Meg!

Amanda @ It's Blogworthy said...

Ahh!! She's absolutely gorgeous! Baby laughs are absolutely amazing...glad you have a really happy baby!

Amanda said...

She is wonderful.

mylittlebecky said...

best. smile. EVER! happy late mother's day :)

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

It is amazing how fast they grow! She does look like a sweety!

Sarah said...

Ten months?! OMG! I love reading about her.

Aunt Juicebox said...

I just love these photo comparisons. She's such a doll. And you can tell by that twinkle in her eye, she's gonna be a trouble maker. ;)

Olive and Ruby Cook said...

I've been lurking on your blog for a while and Meg is just growing beautifully :)