Sunday, November 1, 2009


Meg reached two big milestones this weekend. First, she laughed, legitimately laughed, out loud. And she did it multiple times. It is the best sound in the world. Oh, and she started rolling over, front to back, repeatedly. Of course, I could tell you she also started singing opera, because I have as much proof of that as I do of the laughing and rolling over. It isn't because we feel that documenting these moments would in some way steal her soul. It isn't that we don't have still, and video cameras within arms reach at ALL TIMES. It is because, you see, our daughter is Michigan J. Frog.

As everyone knows, Michigan J. Frog, before he became a shill for a now defunct television network, was the amphibian who ruined a hapless man's life in "Merrie Melodies." He had a beautiful voice, and great stage
presence, but he would only sing when only the man was watching. The minute the man tried to show off his talents, or make money off of them, all Michigan would say was "ribbit." If Meg could say "ribbit" when we pulled out the cameras, she would. Of course, that would be entertaining, so she probably wouldn't. She would say it the minute we put the camera away though.

This morning she was laughing up a storm. Really, you would have thought Ryan and I were the funniest people in the world the way she was cracking up. And all we were doing was making baby noises while tickling her sides. I grabbed the camera. I hid behind Ryan and I turned it on. Ribbit. She couldn't even see me, but she could sense the camera was on, and suddenly, she was off.

Same thing with the rolling over. Three times in a row she pushed herself over from her tummy to her back. The fourth time? While the camera was rolling? She sucked on her hands and then started to cry. I guess she wanted it documented how mean I am to her.

I would love to say she was just having an off weekend, but really, this is how she is. Meg is one of the most smiley babies in the world, though you wouldn't know it from the pictures. We have been able to capture her smiling only twice, and both times were on crappy cell phone cameras. Trying to get her to smile, or keep her smiling, with a good camera up and ready is an impossibility. Oh, wait, she will smile -- if the camera malfunctions.

Maybe I will chisel a picture of Meg smiling. Don't know how I will prove she laughs though...


Sarah Bellum said...

Clearly I need to come over and see this laughing for myself. If you can't prove evidence you can provide an invite.

That's all.

Ms. Karlyn said...

Geez she is GORGEOUS!

Chief said...

she looks a bit camera shy, or shocked!

There is nothing like the sound of an infant laugh. If that doesn't make you smile, nothing will!

Jessica and Reece said...

Lola is exactly the same way. She's like, "Screw you mom and dad. I'm the one in charge." The second we put the camera down, she's back to the smiling and giggling.

Anonymous said...

She was probably laughing at that shirt you made her wear where the giraffe was getting strangled.

And CLEARLY, she's gifted if she's singing opera already!!!!!

Kelly said...

Mea was hard to catch on camera smiling, too. Now she cheeses, and I can't get any regular pictures...she will also come get me to tell me to take a picture...look at my tower mama, look at my dolly, just wait.

Aunt Juicebox said...

I LOVE that picture!

When my daughter was little, I taught her the alphabet and how to count, all the good stuff, and she would REFUSE to do it in front of her father. He would get so mad. I would just laugh!

justmakingourway said...

I had NO idea that frog had a name! I always felt bad for the poor guy in that cartoon - mean froggy!

Clearly you need to put security cameras in every part of your house and just let them run continuously, you'd have to get something eventually, right?

Kim said...

Children will make liars out of you every time. You could always try rewarding her with a sardine. Wait, I think that's for sea lions.

Samantha said...

I used to say the same thing about Jarrah! :) She was Michigan J. Frog. The best example was when we tried to get her to say "Uh-oh" (her one word) on cue for our short film, and no matter what we tried, she just stared at us. Then, weeks later, we were screening the film for the family, and in the exact (silent) spot where we had wanted her to perform, she announced "Uh-oh" to the crowd of viewers. It was classic. :)