Ryan just thanked me for letting the blogosphere know that for his 34th birthday he got his ass kicked by a baby. Don't worry, that's not the only present I got him. In just days his kick ass new iPhone S will be arriving, so he can finally join the rest of society in using his cell phone for more than just making calls. Really, his phone is so old that I don't like him to use it out in public when he's with me. I have an image to uphold. While he doesn't have the iPhone itself yet, today my sister gave him the case for it, so he has been practicing with the cardboard insert.
he can only help you with directions if you are driving on Highway 280.
Ryan has known he is getting an iPhone for weeks, because I am really bad at keeping secrets, and I wanted to make sure that I didn't spend a ton of money on something he didn't want. Actually, he only had one birthday present that was a surprise, from my Mom, and I really wish she had discussed it with me first...
Yeah, and they are hanging in the FRONT of our house. I begged him to put them in the back yard, but he used the whole "it's my house too" argument to get his way. Sitting here typing this I can hear them rattling. It's making me slightly grumpy. I think it's time for those bloody marys.
I love you, anyway, Ryan. Happy Birthday.
Tell him the hot chic said Happy Birthday. (Of course I'm not hot anymore but it will make him feel good and he'll read your blog more.)
Aww, look at all the sweetness oozing out of this snark! Happy Bday to your hub.
Happy Birthday to him!!
I detest wind chimes! I absolutely can't stand listening to them. They drive me nuts. I don't understand the appeal at all.
My grandmother just has "accidents" with gifts she doesn't like so she's not stuck with them. I know that sounds mean but it really comes in handy! So, perhaps in the very near future you’ll see a massive bee that’s trying to kill you and you’ll "accidentally" knock the wind chime down with a broom and then drive the car over it.
Happy birthday to your Ryan!
seriously, keep buying him Apple... he will never stray. that may just be me though. ok, yes... buy me Apple. that works out better for me.
Oooh, David Byrne?! I wish I could go. *sniffle*
Happy Birthday to Ryan!
Your day sounds perfect - I love David Byrne. Enjoy!
I am glad that he is already getting fantastic use out of the cover. Happy birthday Ryan!
Thanks to you, I will now forever associate cat ladies with wind chimes...
I'm totally getting a cardboard iphone.
My husband also hates wind chimes. He says the sound is "too random".
Oh my gosh! I LOVED those Biore strips. I felt so disgusted and cleansed at the same time.
I only feel disgusted with the foot pads.
Happy birthday to your husband!
Oops! I'm late.
happy Birfday, Ryan!!!!
I'm a gadget whore, an electronics lover so to speak. If my Hubster presented me with an iPhone, I'd do ANYTHING he says (and not tell him to hurry up).
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