Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Take Your Candidate to Work Day

When I apply for a job, I usually try to find out exactly what will be asked of me. It makes it easier to decide how much money I should ask for, and helps me gauge if I will actually get it. I would suggest that Sarah Palin may want to look into doing the same.

Um, No. While the Vice President oversee the Senate, and helps break tie votes, he or she does not help shape bills coming out of the body. It's in the Constitution. Now, I know Palin isn't a big fan of the document, and wants to amend it to outlaw homosexuality, and mandate drilling and polar bear slavery, but for right now she should at least pretend...


TemmaAndMaizey said...

I would have thought she was dumbing down her answer because she was answering a question from a 3rd grader, but nope, that's just how she talks...It's good to know she thinks a VP can get right in there and make some good policy changes in the Senate, but only if they "want to." Not only does she not know the job, the only part she attempted to describe is optional. I feel frightened.

Kent said...

I more concerned with why she's wearing Michael Jackson's red leather jacket from the "Beat It" video.

Kent said...

I deny all responsibility for the foregoing: it was Tara. I don't know who Michael Jackson is.

Kent (The Real One)

Emily-Ione said...

she should stick to winking.

jenny said...

I was already outraged about the wanting to outlaw homosexuality, but polar bear slavery absolutely crosses the line.